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Friday, September 30, 2016

Product Review: Zero Friction ZFT Maxx Tees

American Golfer ran a poll on +Google asking what type of tee golfers used the most. The majority of those who answered prefer wood (55 percent), which wasn’t surprising - after all, wooden tees are cheap, plentiful and have been around for generations.

What was surprising, however, was that 28 percent of golfers didn’t care. Using whatever they pull out of their bag suited them just fine. Golf is an expensive game, but if something inexpensive (like a tee) could improve play, I would think more people would be interested in putting the right one in their bags.

If you’re reading this and keeping score, you know there are 17 percent of responders unaccounted for. Those are the golfers who preferred “performance” tees. I’ve fallen into this group for the last decade, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to take the new Zero Friction ZFT Maxx tees for a test drive.

These 3-prong tees greatly reduce contact area with the golf ball (by 66 percent). The theory behind that - less contact with the ball leads to longer, straighter drives. Who wouldn’t want that? The ball settles inside a traditional tee - adding the possibility of unwanted side spin. Problem solved with these 3-prong beauties.

The ZFT Maxx tees are larger, thicker and more durable than their predecessors. There’s also a height-striping system, which is perfect for those who want consistent placement of their ball.

While they come in both 2 3/4” and 3 1/4”, I’m a fan of the longer. You can always push it in the ground a bit more to lower, but you can’t pull the shorter tee out, obviously. Still ... It’s nice to have options.

Speaking of shorter options ... My sample packs each included a stubby hybrid tee - awesome for par 3s.

For golfers with an environmentally friendly mindset, the ZFT Maxx tees are made of bio-composite and recycled materials. Not only will you save some trees, but you’ll also be kinder/gentler on the mower blades for the maintenance staff.

I hate to contradict myself, but the only negative I can see with the ZFT Maxx is price. Golf Galaxy sells a 24-pack for $8.99. Compare that to a 75-pack of wooded tees for $6.99 and the budget-conscience may have second thoughts. Again, take into consideration the durability of synthetic tees, as well as the added distance and accuracy. Can you put a price on those?

On a related note, because the tees are slightly flexible, there’s a chance they’ll slingshot in front of or behind you. While this adds to the durability, keep that in mind if you’re worried about losing one.

Learn more about the ZFT Maxx or other 3- or 4-prong tees the company offers at

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