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Friday, March 1, 2013

Carolinas PGA Honored with 'Freedom Warrior' for Commitment to U.S. Military

From left, Mike Castro, PGA, CPGA President, Ron Schimd, PGA, CPGA Executive Director, and Major Ed Pulido, Folds of Honor Foundation.
(GREENSBORO, N.C.) — The Carolinas PGA Section (CPGA) was honored by the Folds of Honor Foundation with the “Freedom Warrior” for its continued commitment to improving the lives of the families of heroic service members of the U.S. Military during the CPGA’s 2013 Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Now based in Greensboro, The Carolinas PGA Section has been the top performing section of The PGA of America for Patriot Golf Day since it began in 2007.

“I want to honor you, your section and your new building with one of the most special statues that we can give you, called the Freedom Warrior,” Major Ed Pulido told the CPGA Board of Directors who joined him on stage. “This Freedom Warrior signifies the value, the dignity, the honor and the respect of making sure we fight for you.”

Major Pulido served the United States with a 19-year military career, which ended when he medically retired from the U.S. Army in 2005.

Also joined on stage by Tony Biata, PGA, and Ryan Munson of the Folds of Honor Foundation, Major Pulido spoke to the 900-plus PGA Professionals in attendance during the CPGA Annual Meeting at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center, thanking them for the support they have given to Patriot Golf Day and the Folds of Honor Foundation.

The 2012 Patriot Golf Day was a record-setting year for the CPGA as section professionals joined forces to raise more than $515,000 for the Folds of Honor Foundation, a 60 percent increase from the previous year. The 2012 effort brought the section’s total donations since Patriot Golf Day started to more than $1.5 million.

“Each day when I arrive at our Section Headquarters, I raise the American Flag. As the flag ascends, I think how lucky my family and I are to live in America,” said CPGA Executive Director Ron Schmid. “Now, as I pass with the flag, I see the Freedom Warrior in the front lobby, standing watch, and reminding me, freedom is not free, and why we are so fortunate.”

To date, the Folds of Honor Foundation has awarded 3,873 scholarships to spouses and children of injured and fallen soldiers of the U.S. Military — and 700 of the scholarships have been given to recipients living in the Carolinas.

Said Mike Casto, CPGA President and Director of Golf at Fort Jackson Golf Club in Columbia, S.C.: “My staff and I have the privilege of serving our soldiers and their families each and every day. We’ve heard it many times: Freedom is not free. I see the sacrifices made for our freedom by the men and women serving in our military. I am so proud of my fellow Carolinas PGA professionals for embracing Patriot Golf Day and the Folds of Honor Foundation.”


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